
Daily 7 Mitzvot Bnei Noah

1st day:
On the new year, God judges everyone according to his deeds. By taking on a new years resolution, one should pick a spiritual one. By doing so, you are in turn, receiving an abundance of blessings, spiritually and physically.

2nd day:
The Holy Baal Shem Tov (18th century rabbi from the town of Medzhybizh, Ukraine) once stated: When you think, say, or do something to another, do it first to yourself. So that if the effect is damaging, Then at least you didn't do it to another. If you do good to another, you do good to yourself. What you see in your friend, is a reflection of you.

3rd day:
Imagine what the world would look like if every human being were to set aside 2 minutes of their day to pray for a better world? Imagine 7.9 billion people praying the same prayer. Insist the same insistence. Decreeing and declaring God's promise over the world every day. Would it make a difference?
4th day:
The rabbinic tradition builds upon other biblical prohibitions, such as incest and adultery. By providing parameters for appropriate physical behavioral relations between unmarried men and women.
5th day:
From 7MBN:The bible tells a story (genesis, chapter 23, verse 13), how Abraham paid Ephron upon the purchase of the "cave of Mahpelah". Although Ephron had offered it for free, Abraham insisted on paying for the cave. He did so, because he wanted to distance himself from theft, thereof avoiding any claims that it was stolen property. We can learn from Abraham the importance of respecting other people's property.

6th day:
From 7MBN:From the bible: Isaac's eyes darkened. one reason is because of the smoke of idol worship in those days.
What can we learn from this story?
Believe only in one God.
To protect one's eyes. And avoid looking at abominable things.

7th day:
From 7MBN:One mustn't curse god, one should bless him because god gave us life.
We can learn from our forefathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Who had big difficulties in their lives yet they still believed and blessed god, and they gained because of it...

8th day:
From 7MBN:Man should contemplate and meditate on the greatness of G-D. Such a puny insignificant being, Man. can bring great delight to the "Greatest of all great"' of Whom it is written: "There is no delving into His greatness". One man ought to always be inspired with that thought. And perform with an eager heart and spirit.

9th day:
From 7MBN:The Baal Shem Tov (18th century rabbi from the town of Medzhybizh, Ukraine) used to instruct his disciples in a regular Gemara study-session. His style of study was with great acuity and brilliance, and included a study of Rambam, Alfasi, Rosh and other commentaries of the Rishonim(early commentators) germane to the Gemara-text under examination. The Baal Shem Tov would translate the words (of the text) into Yiddish. When studying in Talmud Eirchin 15b the passage: "The third tongue kills three persons," the Baal Shem Tov translated and explained: Lashon hara (the evil tongue; slander) kills all three, the inventor of the slander, the one who relates it and the listener. This is all in spiritual terms, which is more severe than physical murder (Hayom-yom:Cheshvan 13).

10th day:
From 7MBN:In material matters one should always look at he whose situation is lower than one's own, and thank the good G‑d for His kindness to him.
In spiritual matters one should always look at he who is higher than oneself, and plead with G‑d to grant him the intelligence to learn from the other, and the ability and strength to rise higher (Hayom-yom:Cheshvan 24).

11th day:
From 7MBN:The true way is to know one's character, truly recognizing one's own deficiencies and one's good qualities. And when one knows his deficiencies - he should correct them with actual toil, and not satisfy himself merely with bemoaning them (Hayom-yom:Cheshvan 26).

12th day:
From 7MBN:Avoda (translated as "service" and "striving") is not the striving that avoda (service) itself be true; rather, truth itself is an avoda, that the "fingernails" be true. Why does that surprise you? "He saw the attribute of Truth," the Talmud declares, "and he prostrated himself."(Hayom-yom:Adar A 20).

13th day:
From 7MBN:My father said: Truth is the middle path. An inclination to the right, to be overly stringent with oneself and find faults or sins not in accord with the truth, or an inclination to the left, to be overly indulgent, covering one's faults or being lenient in demands of toiling out of self-love - both these ways are false (Hayom-yom:Adar A 27).

14th day:
From 7MBN:7 Noahide laws, 1st law: BELIEF IN G-D:
Acknowledge that there is only one G‑d who is Infinite and Supreme above all things. Do not replace that Supreme Being with finite idols, be it yourself, or other beings. This command includes such acts as prayer, study and meditation.

15th day:
From 7MBN:7 Noahide laws, 2nd law: RESPECT G-D AND PRAISE HIM:
As frustrated and angry as you may be, do not vent it by cursing your Maker.

16th day:
From 7MBN:7 Noahide laws, 3rd law: RESPECT HUMAN LIFE:
Every human being is an entire world. To save a life is to save that entire world. To destroy a life is to destroy an entire world. To help others live is a corollary of this principle.

17th day:
From 7MBN:7 Noahide laws, 4th law: RESPECT THE FAMILY
Marriage is a most Divine act. The marriage of a man and a woman is a reflection of the oneness of G‑d and His creation. Disloyalty in marriage is an assault on that oneness. Do not commit immoral sexual acts.

18th day:
Be honest in all your business dealings. By relying on G‑d rather than on our own conniving, we express our trust in Him as the Provider of Life. Don't steal.

19th day:From 7MBN:7 Noahide laws, 6th law: RESPECT ALL CREATURES
At first, Man was forbidden to consume meat. After the Great Flood, he was permitted - but with a warning: Do not cause unnecessary suffering to any creature.

20th day:
7 Noahide laws, 7th law: CREATION OF A JUDICIAL SYSTEM
Maintain justice. Justice is G‑d's business, but we are given the charge to lay down necessary laws and enforce them whenever we can. When we right the wrongs of society, we are acting as partners in the act of sustaining the creation.

21st day:
Every human being should have in mind and contemplate the 7 Noahide laws.  Because in the future everything will be revealed. and the stone walls And floor in which you step on will cry out: "Why do YOU step on ME? what makes you above me?". That gives us a wake call to what our mission really is.

22nd day:
There's an Eye that sees. A Ear that hears. meaning: G-D is constantly watching. And judging everyone according to their deeds.

23rd day
From Rashi in the Bible, Parashat Mishpatim: To what is the text referring? To two people, one who killed unintentionally and one who killed intentionally, but there were no witnesses who would testify to the matter. This one [who killed intentionally] was not executed, and that one [who killed unintentionally] was not exiled [to the refuge cities]. So the Holy One, blessed is He, brings them [both] to one inn. The one who killed intentionally sits under a ladder, and the one who killed unintentionally is ascending the ladder, and he falls on the one who had killed intentionally and kills him, and witnesses testify about him and sentence him to exile. The result is that the one who killed unintentionally is exiled, and…

24th day:
From the Jewish prayer book: "The great, mighty and awesome God, the sublime God, who brings forth generous kindness and brings into being all things, who remembers the generous deeds of the Patriarchs and who lovingly brings a redeemer to theirs children's  descendants for the sake his name..."

25th day:
From the Jewish prayer book: "Restore our judges as at first and our counselors  as in the beginning...Blessed are you, God, the king who loves righteousness and justice- He gives us the good and save us from harmful things."

26th day:
In the future,The GLORY of the LORD shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. The earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

27th day:
We shouldn't be mad and not be afraid because god "gives" to us everything.

28th day:
Rabbi Akiva (great sage born 50 AD) once said: What is the Scripture teaching us, when it says, “betraying the Lord”? Since every lender and borrower, buyer and seller, perform their transactions with witnesses and by documentation, therefore, if one denies a monetary claim, he would find himself contradicting witnesses and a document. However, when someone deposits an article with his fellow, he does not want anyone to know about it, except the Third Party between them [namely, God]. Therefore, when he denies, he is denying against the Third Party between them. From Rashi on the  bible.

29th day:
When someone where to say a week, you would think 7 days, no more or less. this is a belief in God, because 7 days in a week comes from god, it's written in the bible.

30th day:
It is clear to me that God watches over, helps, and blesses those who help in spreading the Seven Laws of Noah and everything that's connected to God.

31st day:
"Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?" says the Lord; "Do I not fill heaven and earth?" says the Lord. Jeremiah 2:24.

מאמרים קשורים